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An ACCC Dialogue: What Looms for Texas on the 8-Corner Rule/Extrinsic Evidence in light of Richards v State Farm and Loya
Tuesday, March 03, 2020, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EDT
Category: Presented by ACCC

Join us at 2:00 pm ET on Tuesday, March 3 for a 30-40 minute conference call to discuss the impact of California's insurance statutes.

As part of the ACCC’s continuing effort to provide opportunities for dialogue about emerging insurance and bad faith issues, all Fellows are invited to join a discussion of Future of the Duty to Defend and the 8-Corner Rule in Texas. 

The Texas Supreme Court has granted the petition for review in two cases this term that seek exceptions to the 8-corner rule in order to allow an insurer to rely on extrinsic evidence to deny a defense. By the time the Dialogue takes place, the Texas Supreme Court will have heard the oral arguments in both cases. The Texas Supreme Court recently adopted the United States Supreme Court’s practice of deciding all cases argued within a term before the term ends. Accordingly, there will be two new Texas Supreme court decisions on the eight-corner duty to defend rule by July 2020 when the court recesses for the summer. Past experience indicates that the opinions will be coordinated and likely issued simultaneously.

Beth Bradley, Tollefson Bradley Mitchell and Melendi, LLP (on the insurer side) and Mike Huddleston, Munch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C. (on the policyholder side) will address what changes may be in store for the Lone Star State and the implications for duty to defend disputes in other states in light of these upcoming decisions.

You do not need to pre-register for this call. Just use the dial in information listed below. Only ACCC Fellows may participate, however. Also, as these conversations are meant to be candid and informal, the contents of the conversation shall not be recorded or transcribed by any participant.

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