ACCC Pop-Up Dialogue - Shifting Litigation Risk: Legal Finance and Insurance
Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Category: Presented by ACCC
ACCC Pop-Up Dialogue - Shifting Litigation Risk: Legal Finance and Insurance
This panel will give an overview of the mechanics of the evolving field of commercial legal finance/litigation funding, explaining how financiers de-risk plaintiffs and plaintiffs’ lawyers by funding litigation and advancing funds against expected damages and fee awards. It will also explore the insurance industry’s own recent forays into taking plaintiff-side litigation risk. Finally, it will touch on claims that legal finance influences the dynamics of litigating and settling disputed matters. Speakers: Presented by ACCC
Please Note: Attendance is restricted to ACCC Fellows.
Recording is not permitted by outside parties.
CLE is not offered. To register for the program, press on this link.
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