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ACCC Pop-Up Dialogue - Shifting Litigation Risk: Legal Finance and Insurance
Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Category: Presented by ACCC

ACCC Pop-Up Dialogue - Shifting Litigation Risk: Legal Finance and Insurance

This panel will give an overview of the mechanics of the evolving field of commercial legal finance/litigation funding, explaining how financiers de-risk plaintiffs and plaintiffs’ lawyers by funding litigation and advancing funds against expected damages and fee awards. It will also explore the insurance industry’s own recent forays into taking plaintiff-side litigation risk. Finally, it will touch on claims that legal finance influences the dynamics of litigating and settling disputed matters.   

Professor Tom Baker, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
Amber Finch, Partner, Reed Smith LLP
G. Andrew Lundberg, Managing Director, Burford Capital

Presented by ACCC

Please Note:
Attendance is restricted to ACCC Fellows.
Recording is not permitted by outside parties.
CLE is not offered.

To register for the program, press on this link

You will receive an email confirmation and Zoom login information following your online event registration.

In preparation for this session, please take a few minutes to review "Learn Legal Finance in 6 Minutes: An Easy-Read Dialogue for Lawyers and Clients" authored by Andy Lundberg, a six-minute read that covers some very basic points related to our topic: https://tinyurl.com/443s2aaz

If you would like to suggest a Pop-up Dialogue topic or participate as a speaker on a session panel, email pop-ups @ americancollegecoverage.org.

Contact: [email protected]