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ACCC Pop-Up Dialogue: Named Insured, Additional Insured, Indemnitee - Belt & Suspenders or Gordian Knot?
Thursday, July 18, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
Category: Presented by ACCC

ACCC Pop-Up Dialogue: Named Insured, Additional Insured, Indemnitee - Belt & Suspenders or Gordian Knot?

Risk-transfer remains as relevant a consideration as ever in commercial transactions, perhaps most frequently in the construction trades, but also in all sorts of other vendor, supplier, landlord-tenant and other commercial relationships.  For example, anyone who has to wade through AIA forms and project contracts for any project involving construction, renovation, or alteration to commercial real estate is familiar with different provisions of the prime contract, subcontracts, and related documents that specify whose insurance must be endorsed to name whom as additional insureds, and what indemnification promises run in favor of which parties.  This pop-up will explore issues that remain current following any kind of personal injury or property damage claim in connection with activities of parties who have entered into commercial transactions (e.g., construction-site injury claim) including which insurance must respond first in the event of a claim (additional-insured coverage or the policyholder’s own insurance), what the indemnity agreement covers (and whether it should have time or dollar limits, or both), and whether the order in which the various agreements have to respond can be controlled through the drafting of relevant contract language.  Please join us as we look at what happens when parties litigate the “Gordian knot” – and what solutions there might be to it.

John S. Vishneski III
, Reed Smith, LLP
David SchubertSchubert & Evans, P.C.

Presented by ACCC

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Attendance is restricted to ACCC Fellows.
Recording is not permitted.
CLE is not offered.

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