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ACCC Pop-Up Dialogue Webinar: True Neutrals? – An Arbitration Discussion
Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: Presented by ACCC

ACCC Pop-Up Dialogue Webinar: True Neutrals? – An Arbitration Discussion

This pop-up will review the relative pros and cons of party-appointed arbitrators versus ‘true neutral’ arbitrators for proceedings between policyholders and insurers.  We’ll also review the differences between neutral and non-neutral party-appointed arbitrators and discuss what to consider when deciding between using a single arbitrator vs. a panel of three.

Jill Berkeley, Of Counsel at Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP, Chicago, IL
Jean Lawler, Lawler ADR Services, LLC, El Segundo, CA
Lisa Romeo, Vice President of the American Arbitration Association, Boston, MA

Presented by the ACCC ADR Committee

Please Note:
Attendance is restricted to ACCC Fellows.
Recording is not permitted by outside parties.
CLE is not offered.

To register for the program, press on this link

You will receive an email confirmation and Zoom login information following your online event registration.

If you would like to suggest a Pop-up Dialogue topic or participate as a speaker on a session panel, email pop-ups @ americancollegecoverage.org.

Contact: [email protected]